Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Let's Give Deaf Kenyans A Hand, Too

Jamie Berke posted a link to this article that got my attention: Challenges for Deaf in Kenya

We can help our deaf Kenyan friends by writing to their government as well as to our President of the United States, Mr. Barack H. Obama, whose father was born in Kenya. The full contact information for the government of Kenya and the President of Kenya can be found at this site, http://www.statehousekenya.go.ke/
President Obama can be reached at his website, whitehouse.gov.

The name of the President of Kenya is Mwai Kibaki. You can write to him in English, as it is naturally one of the official languages in his country. His email address is president@statehousekenya.go.ke
The email address for the government of Kenya is contact@statehousekenya.go.ke

I hope that one day sign language will be recognized in every nation around the world! Something like this should be brought to attention of the United Nations. As grandson of a diplomat and U.N. representative, I shall write to them as well as to the President of Kenya and President Obama.

Asante (Swahili for thank you).

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